This is the second installment in my five-part series summarizing environmental highlights from the 2016 Florida Legislative Session.
This session saw a significant expansion to Florida’s Advanced Cleanup Program (ACP), which is designed to provide remedial funding to address petroleum contamination in advance of priority order. It is an excellent option for pending real estate transactions or for owners who want to close the regulatory file on individual or multiple sites.
Senate Bill 100, effective July 1, 2016, increases the annual ACP budget from $15,000,000 to $25,000.000, and revises the ACP application requirements. The application process now allows property owners to bundle as few as five sites together within a combined application. (The ACP previously required minimum bundles of 20 sites.)
The increased funding makes possible even greater progress in cleaning up affected properties. So if you have real estate that may require extensive evaluation and/or remediation, I’d be happy to discuss what the new ACP application requirements could mean for you.