Environmental Forensics: Pinpointing the Source of PFAS Pollution

PFAS (Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances) are a group of human-made chemicals utilized in firefighting foams and in thousands of other commercial and industrial applications since the 1940s.  

In recent years, human-health impact studies have shown PFAS exposure links to high cholesterol, ulcerative colitis, thyroid disease, kidney cancer, and testicular cancer. PFAS pollution of soil and drinking water is particularly troublesome because the chemicals don’t break down naturally—instead, they linger almost permanently.

The growing concern over human-health impacts, the unknown long-term effects, and regulatory enforcement will all likely be more publicized in the future. As more research is being conducted on these contaminants and their uses, more questions may arise about them in legal proceedings. 

When PFAS contamination is discovered in the vicinity of your company or organization, it becomes important to quickly determine the actual source and severity of those contaminants.

That’s when environmental forensics investigations come into play.

The forensic investigation seeks to define the Who, What, When, and Where:

  • Who discharged the product?
  • What is the specific PFAS contaminant? 
  • When did the discharge occur?
  • Where is the source?

Environmental Risk Management (ERMI) can answer the above questions through appropriate research and forensic analyses. A variety of laboratory methods can identify the type of PFAS contaminant, its historical use, and location of uses. With this knowledge, ERMI offers an unbiased conclusion using all information and data. 

As with all our investigations, ERMI uses its vast professional experience and education in our environmental forensic assessments. Engage our experts and let ERMI assist you with all your PFAS sampling and investigation needs.