The following are samples from presentations that ERMI can deliver to your organization or conference, and additional presentations can be developed and tailored to your specific needs.
If your business, agency, or organization is involved in civil engineering, real estate, construction/development, financial services or education, contact ERM I today. We can provide an expert speaker to brief your audience on current environmental issues—at no charge.
Our presenters include experts in topics such as geology, environmental engineering, indoor air quality and environmental forensics. One of our primary speakers is ERMI's president, Steve Hilfiker, a veteran of more than 25 years in the environmental field, the author of dozens of articles, and frequent advisor to Florida legislators.
Contact us at, and let us bring a presentation to your group that will be relevant, timely, and informative.
Environmental Risk Management and Economic Development – PowerPoint
As Florida prepares to welcome the millions of new residents who are expected to move into our state in the coming decades, issues of land & resource management become even more vital. Through this presentation, Steve can help commercial lenders understand the opportunities (and challenges) that lie ahead. Environmental Risk Management and Economic Development...
Real Estate and Risk Management – PowerPoint
When Steve delivers this 35-slide presentation, Realtors, developers, investors, and property owners will better understand principles of environmental regulations and risk management (including Steve’s “10 C’s of Environmental Risk Management”). Real Estate and Risk Management...
FES MNA Presentation – PowerPoint
Steve covers Monitored Natural Attenuation in depth through this presentation, providing an historical perspective, as well as an overview of the legislative foundation and economic impacts of this remedial strategy. FES MNA Presentation PPT...
Environmental Careers – PowerPoint
For audiences consisting of either educators or older students, Steve traces current career options in the field of environmental protection and risk management. Environmental Careers PPT...
FES MNA Presentation ERMI & ARCADIS – PowerPoint
With this in-depth slide series, Steve focuses on Monitored Natural Attenuation as a strategy for groundwater remediation. FES MNA Presentation ERMI & ARCADIS PPT...
Private Sector RBCA – PowerPoint
This detailed presentation explains Risk-Based Corrective Action to general audiences, and provides a private-sector perspective on managed-risk approaches to remediation. Private Sector RBCA PPT...