No-Cost Attempt for Closure
The Low-Scored Site Initiative (LSSI) is a particular strength of ours, because we helped to draft the original LSSI legislation and guidance documents.
ERMI has served hundreds of LSSI site owners, and of the sites we have completed, more than 45% have resulted in file closure.
Florida ranks petroleum discharge sites using a numerical score on a hazard-rating system. Sites with a score of 29 or less are considered low-scored sites, and are eligible to participate in the LSSI process. Sites scoring 11 or higher can qualify for full cleanup funding through FDEP sources.
*Note: See summary at the end of this section for details of 7/1/16 LSSI expansion.
Summary of LSSI
The LSSI program provides up to $35,000, with no co-payments or deductibles, to assess low scored sites that are eligible for the petroleum cleanup program. The purpose is to assess sites that have not had state-funded work in many years to determine if the contamination file can be closed.
We can help you implement a 100% state-funded assessment of your site in an attempt to achieve a “closure” status that can help restore your property’s value.
Additional Information
Many of these low scored sites have not had funding eligibility since at least 1995. Since petroleum constituents attenuate naturally, many of these sites can now be considered clean. The LSSI provides funding for soil and groundwater assessment in attempt to remove these sites from the cleanup program backlog. The benefit to the property owner is that, with site closure, the property values of these facilities are restored. There are three possible endpoints:
- If the site is clean, the eligible discharge is closed and the FDEP issues a Site Rehabilitation Completion Order (SRCO).
- If impacts are contained within site boundaries, there are two methods to obtain a ‘No Further Action’ (NFA) letter from the FDEP.
- If the site does not qualify for SRCO or NFA, the site remains eligible for remediation funding based on the existing priority scoring system.
Email an ERMI specialist about LSSI.
To participate, site owners simply need to select a qualified contractor using a standard form that we can prepare for you. Upon approval of the form, we work with the FDEP to develop the assessment strategy. The FDEP issues and funds a work order for the assessment with the goal of achieving SRCO or NFA for the eligible discharge.
Downloadable PDF

*Summary of 2016 Expansion of LSSI (Effective July 1, 2016)
The Low Scored Site Initiative (LSSI) has now been expanded through the approval of Senate Bill 100 to include limited remediation activities. The cap expenditure for each site has been raised from $30,000 to $35,000. The total amount that can be spent on the LSSI program has also been raised from $10 million to $15 million per year. The time limitation for completion of LSSI work has also been extended from 6 to 12 months for the initial assessment/limited remediation. After approval of the initial assessment/limited remediation, the department may approve additional assessment/limited remediation not to exceed $35,000. In addition, the FDEP can authorize 12 months of groundwater monitoring if it is expected to achieve the statutory closure requirements.