Low-Scored Site Initiative Scores Some Big Improvements: Understanding New Environmental Legislation, Part 1 of 5
The 2016 Florida Legislative Session brought about some significant changes in the area of environmental legislation. This is the first in a series of five quick recaps I’ll give you, focusing mainly on amendments to Florida Statute 376—particularly as those amendments impact the Petroleum Restoration Program (PRP). One of the biggest developments is that this… Read More...
ERMI gets a visual update
Our company turns 17 this month. As technology and legislation have evolved over the years, we’ve changed our methods and our organizational structure. However, one thing that hasn’t really changed along the way has been our visual branding: it’s been bypassed as all the other advances were taking place around it. So after 17 years with the existing… Read More...
Real Estate and Risk Management – PowerPoint
When Steve delivers this 35-slide presentation, Realtors, developers, investors, and property owners will better understand principles of environmental regulations and risk management (including Steve’s “10 C’s of Environmental Risk Management”). Real Estate and Risk Management...
FES MNA Presentation – PowerPoint
Steve covers Monitored Natural Attenuation in depth through this presentation, providing an historical perspective, as well as an overview of the legislative foundation and economic impacts of this remedial strategy. FES MNA Presentation PPT...
Environmental Careers – PowerPoint
For audiences consisting of either educators or older students, Steve traces current career options in the field of environmental protection and risk management. Environmental Careers PPT...
FES MNA Presentation ERMI & ARCADIS – PowerPoint
With this in-depth slide series, Steve focuses on Monitored Natural Attenuation as a strategy for groundwater remediation. FES MNA Presentation ERMI & ARCADIS PPT...
Private Sector RBCA – PowerPoint
This detailed presentation explains Risk-Based Corrective Action to general audiences, and provides a private-sector perspective on managed-risk approaches to remediation. Private Sector RBCA PPT...
ERMI president Steve Hilfiker is in high demand as a speaker
ERMI president Steve Hilfiker is in high demand as a speaker at conferences and conventions. As a 25-plus-year veteran of the environmental field, the author of dozens of articles, and a frequent advisor to Florida legislators, Steve brings a perspective to his presentations that is multidimensional and authoritative. If your group, agency, or organization is… Read More...
2016 LSSI Expansion
2016 Legislative Session Includes Expansion to LSSI (Effective July 1, 2016) The Low Scored Site Initiative (LSSI) has now been expanded through the approval of Senate Bill 100 to include limited remediation activities. The cap expenditure for each site has been raised from $30,000 to $35,000. The total amount that can be spent on the… Read More...
Phase I ESAs are not a Commodity
Phase I Environmental Site Assessments are not a commodity, although many hiring decisions are based solely on price. Consulting is critical to the due diligence process. An innocent land owner defense based on a thorough Phase I ESA is necessary for defending liability for the borrower/investor, and when issues arise, expert consulting is often required… Read More...